4 Ways Singing Together Benefits Parents


There are so many well-established benefits to singing songs and rhymes to young children. Hearing parents sing is great for babies and toddlers because it:

  • Helps parents and children bond

  • Supports language and early literacy development

  • Supports cognitive development

  • Builds musical skills

  • Strengthens culture and tradition

  • Teaches routines

  • ...and so much more!

(Although, not all kids love singing! Some kids are like "nooooo!" and they immediately cover their ears. If yours don’t like singing, you’re not alone!)

If you’ve been hanging out with us either here or on the ‘gram for long enough, you might already know some of these benefits. Maybe you even see some of them happening in your home! (I hope you do!!) But here’s something you might not have considered: singing simple songs and rhymes benefits you almost as much as it does them! 

Here are four reasons why signing songs & rhymes with your kids can help you, as parents!


#1 Smooth Transitions

Singing can help make even the rockiest transitions between activities easier. Songs and rhymes can be used to signal to your children that it’s time to change activities. Use them to let your littles know it’s time to switch from playing to leaving the house (for example), in a fun and inviting way. 

Bonus Parenting Points:

Ever feel like you’re repeating things over and over? Try singing those things instead! Chances are that song will grab your kids’ attention better than talking can. (Plus, when you sing, you get to feel like a fun mom instead of a broken-record mom!)


#2 Endorphins

Don’t you find that your favorite song just makes you feel good?! That’s because singing together releases endorphins! 

Make singing together a tool you keep in your back pocket for days or moments when you and your little one just aren’t on the same page. It can make everyone feel happier and get the day back on track! We find it can help us calm in moments when we feel like we might lose our patience. 


#3 Engaging & Playing Together

Singing together is a fun, playful way to engage with your child. 

Play doesn’t only happen with toys — it happens whenever you’re being playful! Singing songs and rhymes is an easy, no-materials-required way to “play” together (which also makes it the perfect thing to do when you don’t have access to toys or materials). We often hear from parents that they don’t enjoy playing with toys, so singing or “people games” are other fun options. 


#4 Easier Waits

If you know, you know! Waiting in lines with a fussy, bored, or overtired child in your arms is like the least fun parenting moment ever! Thankfully, singing can make waiting much easier.

Practice a few simple songs and rhymes that your kids know and like so that when you’re out, you can use them as your secret weapon — helping you buy some time and get through challenging times like car rides, doctor's offices, and restaurants.

And, if the stuff has already hit the fan while waiting, no worries! It’s never too late to sing together and reset the mood for the day (#endorphins).


Make Singing A Thing with Wee Talkers!

We loooove giving you new song and rhyme ideas to sing and say together with your littles. Here are a few ways to access the songs we share!

Songs & Rhymes on IG

Check out our IG feed and look for the black and white squares. Each one is a video of us teaching you a new song or rhyme to sing with your babe!


Community Songs & Rhymes

Want even moooore songs and rhymes? Looking for fun stories to share with your toddler?

If you’re nodding your head like “ummm YES please!” then you’d love our Songs and Stories Membership! We share monthly songs and rhymes and new engaging and exciting stories weekly. Have one reliable resource that you can consult any time to get fresh ideas to support you & your toddler as they learn and grow. Feel confident and content that your child is watching and participating in a high quality screen option.