2023 Book Gift Guide


As pediatric speech-language pathologists and moms, we LOVE to gift books. They truly are the gifts that keep giving. Reading together is one of the best ways we can support language development. We are always on the hunt for books that are engaging for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers AND that we don’t mind reading over and over (and over!). In this gift guide, you’ll find a list of some of our current favorites for a variety of ages.

You can also add these to books to your library list for your next visit! We also encourage shopping at your local book store or via bookshop.org if you're in the USA.


best gift books for babies, toddlers and preschoolers

  1. I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak

    This isn’t a new book (in fact it was written almost 20 years ago!), but we love the rhyming text, and it’s a total classic. It is heartwarming and beautifully conveys the message of unconditional love, no matter the mood or the moment.

  2. Peek-a-Boo House by Camilla Reid

    It’s a super charming book that's full of little surprises. It has interactive, yet durable sliders that are really engaging. Plus, it’s just the cutest! 

  3. Our Little Adventures by Tabitha Page

    This charming little book set is not only beautiful, it was written by a speech-language pathologist and helps you highlight a lot of different early language skills while you’re reading with your toddler.

  4. Indestructibles: Baby Let’s Eat! by Amy Pixton

    "Indestructibles" books come in lots of fun themes. They are thin, light, chew + rip proof, and perfect for your diaper bag, car, or stroller.

  5. Pick a Pine Tree by Patricia Toht

    This beautiful book will be one your family will return to re-read every holiday season.

  6. All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman

    "All Are Welcome" is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. It's a book that fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance in children. Love!

  7. Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett

    We love this author and simple sweet story of two boys going on an adventure.

  8. Little You by Richard Van Camp

    A tender and beautifully illustrated book that expresses the love and care parents have for their little ones - love it for babies!

  9. Big Bear, Little Bear by Marine Schneider

    It’s a simple and adorable story about the special bond between a parent and child that also highlights learning concepts like “big” and “little.”

  10. Maisy Drives the Bus by Lucy Cousins

    Does your little one like “things that go?" With their vibrant colors and familiar characters, Maisy books are always a go to for us!

  11. Good Morning World, I Love You So by Olivia Herrick

    With its bright illustrations and simple rhymes, this is an adorable way to help build the habit of gratitude with your little ones.

  12. Rhymoceros by Janik Coat

    "Rhymoceros" is a playful and creative book that introduces children to the world of rhyming. With cool graphic illustrations and clever wordplay, it's an enjoyable read that encourages language development. This one is great for growing with your child. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers all enjoy it!

  13. 100 First Words Nature by Edward Underwood

    This interactive book is a wonderful way for toddlers to explore the beauty of nature. It’s one of the books you’ll return to again and again to explore and enjoy. Great for exposing your child to new vocabulary and practicing familiar words too.

  14. The Rooster Struts by Richard Scarry

    This is so fun for a little animal lover and encourages little ones to fly, struct, jump, etc like the animals do!

  15. Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha

    Another one for the “things that go” fans. Always a hit! With lively illustrations and rhythmic text, it's a delightful book that toddlers love.

  16. When Stars Arise by E.G. Alaraj

    This is a sweet little bedtime book with rhyming text and lovely illustrations.


If your little one loves books, we think they’d love our Songs+Stories membership.

Songs+Stories is a safe, high-quality (and ad free) screen time option. It’s also incredibly beneficial for your toddler’s language development — whether they are already super chatting or are not yet talking a lot.

It’s a similar style to library story time, with lots of options for engaging themes your child will love. No quick camera changes, green screen, or annoying sound effects.

Songs+Stories is such a great gift to give or recieve this holiday season! Gift cards are available here.

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